(22) If we wish to dwell in the tent of this kingdom, we will never arrive unless we run there by doing good deeds.
(23) But let us ask the Lord with the Prophet, "Who will dwell in your tent, Lord; who will find rest upon your holy mountain?" (Ps 14[15]:1)
(24) After this question, brothers, let us listen well to what the Lord says in reply, for he shows us the way to his tent.
(25) "One who walks without blemish," he says, "and is just in all his dealings;
(26) who speaks the truth from his heart and has not practiced deceit with his tongue;
(27) who has not wronged a fellowman in any way, nor listened to slanders against his neighbor." (Ps 14[15]:2-3).
(28) He has foiled the evil one, the devil, at every turn, flinging both him and his promptings far from the sight of his heart. While these temptations were still, "young, he caught hold of them and dashed them against Christ," (Ps 14[15]:4; 136[137]:9).
(29) These people fear the Lord, and do not become elated over their good deeds; they judge it is the Lord's power, not their own, that brings about the good in them.
(30) "They praise," (Ps 14[15]:4) the Lord working in them, and say with the Prophet, "Not to us, Lord, not to us give the glory, but to your name alone," (Ps 113[115]:9).
(31) In just this way Paul the Apostle refused to take credit for the power of his preaching. He declared , "By God's grace I am what I am." (1 Cor 15:10).
(32) And again he said, "He who boasts should make his boast in the Lord." (2 Cor 10: 17)
(33) That is why the Lord says in the Gospel: "Whoever hears these words of mine and does them is like a wise man who built his house upon rock;
(34) the floods came and the winds blew and beat against the house, but It did not fall: it was founded on rock." (Matt 7:24-25)
六月廿八日 (十三主日)
15 年前