(1) We have already established the order for psalmody at Vigils and Lauds. Now let us arrange the remaining hours.
(2) Three psalms are to be said at Prime, each followed by "Glory be to the Father."
(3) The hymn for this hour is sung after the opening versicle, "God, come to my assistance," (Ps 69[70]:2), before the psalmody begins.
(4) One reading follows the three psalms, and the hour is concluded with a versicle, "lord, have mercy" and the dismissal.
(5) Prayer is celebrated in the same way at Terce, Sext and None: that is, the opening verse, the hymn appropriate to each hour, three psalms, a reading with a versicle, "lord, have mercy" and the dismissal.
(6) If the community is rather large, refrains are used with the psalms; if it is smaller, the psalms are said without refrain.
(7) At Vespers the number of psalms should be limited to four, with refrain.
(8) After these psalms there follow; a reading and responsory, and Ambrosian hymn, a versicle, the Gospel Canticle, the litany, and immediately before the dismissal, the Lord's Prayer.
(9) Compline is limited to three psalms without refrain.
(10) After the psalmody comes the hymn for this hour, followed by a reading, a versicle, "Lord, have mercy," a blessing and the dismissal.
六月廿八日 (十三主日)
15 年前