(Feb. 27 in leap year)
(1) If the community is rather large, some brothers chosen for their good repute and holy life should be made deans.
(2) They will take care of their groups of ten, managing all affairs according to the commandments of God and the orders of their abbot.
(3) The deans selected should be the kind of men with whom the abbot can confidently share the burdens of his office.
(4) They are to be chosen for virtuous living and wise teaching, not for their rank.
(5) If perhaps one of these deans is found to be puffed up with any pride, and so deserving of censure, he is to be reproved once, twice and even a third time. Should he refuse to amend, he must be removed from office
(6) and replaced by another who is worthy.
(7) We prescribe the same course of action in regard to the prior.
六月廿八日 (十三主日)
15 年前