(35) The fourth step of humility is that in this obedience under difficult, unfavorable, or even unjust conditions, his heart quietly embraces suffering
(36) and endures it without weakening or seeking escape. For Scripture has it, "Anyone who perseveres to the end will be saved," (Matt 10:22),
(37) and again, "Be brave of heart and rely on the Lord," (Ps 26[27]:14).
(38) Another passage shows how the faithful must endure everything, even contradiction, for the Lord's sake, saying in the person of those who suffer, "For your sake we are put to death continually; we are regarded as sheep marked for slaughter," (Rom 8:36; Ps 43[44]:22).
(39) They are so confident in their expectation of reward from God that they continue joyfully and say, "But in all this we overcame because of Him who so greatly loved us," (Rom 8:37).
(40) Elsewhere Scripture says, "O God, you have tested us, you have tried us as silver is tried by fire; you have led us into a snare, you have placed afflictions on our backs," (Ps 65[66]:10-11).
(41) Then, to show that we ought to be under a superior, it adds, "You have placed men over our heads," (Ps 65[66]:12).
(42) In truth, those who are patient amid hardships and unjust treatment are fulfilling the Lord's command, "When struck on one cheek, they turn the other; when deprived of their coat, they offer their cloak also; when pressed into service for one mile, they go two," (Matt 5:39-41).
(43) With the Apostle Paul, they bear with, "false brothers, endure persecution," and, "bless those who curse them," (2 Cor 11:26; 1 Cor 4:12).
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