(1) First of all, "love the Lord God with your whole heart, your whole soul and all your strength,"
(2) and, "love your neighbor as yourself." (Matt 22:37-39; Mark 12:30-31; Luke 10:27).
(3) Then the following: "You are not to kill,
(4) not to commit adultery;
(5) you are not to steal
(6) nor to covet," (Rom 13:9);
(7) "you are not to bear false witness," (Matt 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20).
(8) "You must honor everyone," (1 Pet 2:17),
(9) and, "never do to another what you do not want done to yourself," (Tob 4:16; Matt 7:12; Luke 6:31).
(10) "Renounce yourself in order to follow Christ," (Matt 16:24; Luke 9:23);
(11) "discipline your body," (1 Cor 9:27);
(12) do not pamper yourself,
(13) but love fasting.
(14) You must relieve the lot of the poor,
(15) "clothe the naked,
(16) visit the sick," (Matt 25:36),
(17) and bury the dead.
(18) Go to help the troubled 19and console the sorrowing.
六月廿八日 (十三主日)
15 年前