(20) Your way of acting should be different from the world's way;
(21) the love of Christ must come before all else.
(22) You are not to act in anger
(23) or nurse a grudge.
(24) Rid your heart of all deceit.
(25) Never give a hollow greeting of peace
(26) or turn away when someone needs your love.
(27) Bind yourself to no oath lest it prove false,
(28) but speak the truth with heart and tongue.
(29) "Do not repay one bad turn with another," (1 Thess 5:15; 1 Pet 3:9).
(30) Do not injure anyone, but bear injuries patiently.
(31) "Love your enemies," (Matt 5:44; Luke 6:27).
(32) If people curse you, do not curse them back but bless them instead.
(33) "Endure persecution for the sake of justice," (Matt 5:10).
(34) You must, "not be proud,
(35) nor be given to wine," (Titus 1:7; 1 Tim 3:3).
(36) Refrain from too much eating
(37) or sleeping,
(38) and, "from laziness," (Rom 12:11).
(39) Do not grumble
(40) or speak ill of others.
(41) Place your hope in God alone.
(42) If you notice something good in yourself, give credit to God, not to yourself,
(43) but be certain that the evil you commit is always your own and yours to acknowledge.
六月廿八日 (十三主日)
15 年前