(44) Live in fear of judgment day
(45) and have a great horror of hell.
(46) Yearn for everlasting life with holy desire.
(47) Day by day remind yourself that you are going to die.
(48) Hour by hour keep careful watch over all you do,
(49) aware that God's gaze is upon you, wherever you may be.
(50) As soon as wrongful thoughts come into your heart, dash them against Christ
(51) and disclose them to your spiritual father.
(52) Guard your lips from harmful or deceptive speech
(53) and speak no foolish chatter, nothing just to provoke laughter;
(54) do not love immoderate or boisterous laughter.
(55) Listen readily to holy reading,
(56) and devote yourself often to prayer.
(57) Every day with tears and sighs confess your past sins to God in prayer
(58) and change from these evil ways in the future.
(59) "Do not gratify the promptings of the flesh," (Gal 5:16);
(60) hate the urgings of self-will.
(61) Obey the orders of the abbot unreservedly, even if his own conduct — which God forbid — be at odds with what he says. Remember the teaching of the Lord: Do, "what they say, not what they do," (Matt 23:3).
六月廿八日 (十三主日)
15 年前