(1) Anyone excommunicated for serious faults from the oratory and from the table is to prostrate himself in silence at the oratory entrance at the end of the celebration of the Work of God.
(2) He should lie face down at the feet of all as they leave the oratory,
(3) and let him do this until the abbot judges he has made satisfaction.
(4) Next, at the bidding of the abbot, he is to prostrate himself at the abbot's feet, then at the feet of all that they may pray for him.
(5) Only then, if the abbot orders, should he be admitted to the choir in the rank the abbot assigns.
(6) Even so, he should not presume to lead a psalm or a reading or anything else in the oratory without further instructions from the abbot.
(7) In addition, at all the hours, as the Work of God is being completed, he must prostrate himself in the place he occupies.
(8) He will continue this form of satisfaction until the abbot again bids him cease.
(9) Those excommunicated for less serious faults from the table only are to make satisfaction in the oratory for as long as the abbot orders.
(10) They do so until he gives his blessing and says: "Enough."
六月廿八日 (十三主日)
15 年前