(11) Furthermore, anyone who receives the name of abbot is to lead his disciples by a twofold teaching:
(12) he must point out to them all that is good and holy more by example than by word, proposing the commandments of the Lord to receptive disciples with words, but demonstrating God's instructions to the stubborn and the dull by a living example.
(13) Again, if he teaches his disciples that something is not to be done, then neither must he do it, "lest after preaching to others, he himself be found reprobate," (1 Cor 9:27)
(14) and God some day call to him in his sin, "How is it that you repeat my just commands and mouth my covenant when you hate discipline and toss my words behind you?" (Ps 49[50]:16-17)
(15) And also this: "How is it that you can see a splinter in your brother's eye, and never notice the plank in your own?" (Matt 7:3)
六月廿八日 (十三主日)
15 年前