(16) The abbot should avoid all favoritism in the monastery.
(17) He is not to love one more than another unless he finds someone better in good actions and obedience.
(18) A man born free is not be given higher rank than a slave who becomes a monk, except for some other good reason.
(19) But the abbot is free, if he sees fit, to change anyone's rank as justice demandsi. Ordinarily, everyone is to keep to his regular place,
(20) because, "whether slave or free, we are all one in Christ," (Gal 3:28; Eph 6:8) and share alike in bearing arms in the service of the one Lord, for, "God shows no partiality among persons," (Rom 2:11).
(21) Only in this are we distinguished in his sight: if we are found better than others in good works and in humility.
(22) Therefore, the abbot is to show equal love to everyone and apply the same discipline to all according to their merits.
六月廿八日 (十三主日)
15 年前