2009年5月14日 星期四

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 2. Qualities Of The Abbot

(23) In his teaching, the abbot should always observe the Apostle's recommendation, in which he says, "Use argument, appeal, reproof," (2 Tim 4:2).
(24) This means that he must vary with circumstances, threatening and coaxing by turns, stern as a taskmaster, devoted and tender as only a father can be.
(25) With the undisciplined and restless, he will use a firm argument; with the obedient and docile and patient, he will appeal for greater virtue; but as for the negligent and disdainful, we charge him to use reproof and rebuke.
(26) He should not gloss over the sins of those who err, but cut them out while he can, as soon as they begin to sprout, remembering the fate of Eli, priest of Shiloh (1 Sam 2:11- 4:18).
(27) For upright and perceptive men, his first and second warnings should be verbal;
(28) but those who are evil or stubborn, arrogant or disobedient, he can curb only by blows or some other physical punishment at the first offense. It is written, "The fool cannot be corrected with words," (Prov 29:19);
(29) and again, "Strike your son with a rod and you will free his soul from death," (Prov 23:14).

