(1) If a member of the nobility offers his son to God in the monastery, and the boy himself is too young, the parents draw up the document mentioned above;
(2) then, at the presentation of the gifts, they wrap the document itself and the boy's hand in the altar cloth. That is how they offer him.
(3) As to their property, they either make a sworn promise in this document that they will never personally, never through intermediary, nor in any way at all, nor at any time, give the boy anything or afford him the opportunity to possess anything;
(4) or else, if they are unwilling to do this and still wish to win their reward for making a offering to the monastery,
(5) they make a formal donation of the property that they want to give to the monastery, keeping the revenue for themselves, should they so desire.
(6) This ought to leave no way open for the boy to entertain any expectations that could deceive and ruin him. May God forbid this, but we have learned form experience that it can happen.
(7) Poor people do the same, 8but those who have nothing at all simply write the document and, in the presence of witnesses, offer their son with the gifts.
六月廿八日 (十三主日)
15 年前