(1) If any ordained priest asks to be receive into the monastery, do not agree too quickly.
(2) However, if he is fully persistent in his request, he must recognize that he will have to observe the full discipline of the rule
(3) without any mitigation, knowing that it is written, "Friend, what have you come for," (Matt 26:50)?
(4) He should however, be allowed to stand next to the abbot to give blessings and to celebrate Mass, provided that the abbot bids him.
(5) Otherwise, he must recognize that he is subject to the discipline of the rule, and not make any exceptions for himself, but rather give everyone an example of humility.
(6) Whenever there is question of an appointment or of any other business in the monastery,
(7) he takes the place that corresponds to the date of his entry into the community, and not that granted him out of respect for his priesthood.
(8) Any clerics who similarly wish to join the community should be ranked somewhere in the middle,
(9) but only if they, too, promise to keep the rule and observe stability.
六月廿八日 (十三主日)
15 年前