2009年7月20日 星期一

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 42. Silence After Compline

(1) Monks should diligently cultivate silence at all times but especially at night.
(2) Accourdingly, this will always be the arrangement whether for fast days or for ordinary days.
(3) When there are two meals, all the monks will sit together immediately after rising from supper. Someone should read from the Conferences or the Lives of the Fathers or at any rate something else that will benefit the hearers,
(4) but not the Heptateuch or the Books of Kings, because it will not be good for those of weak understanding to hear these writings at that hour; they should be read at other times.

(5) On fast days there is to be a short interval between Vespers and the reading of the Conferences, as we have indicated.
(6) Then let four or five pages be read, or as many as time permits.
(7) This reading period will allow for all to come together, in case any were engaged in assigned tasks.
(8) When all have assembled, they should pray Compline; and on leaving Compline, no one will be permitted to speak further.
(9) If anyone is found to transgress this rule of silence, he must be subjected to severe punishment,
(10) except on occasions when guests require attention or the abbot wishes to give someone a command,
(11) but even this is to be done with the utmost seriousness and proper restraint.

