2009年5月31日 星期日

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 7. Humility

(31) The second step of humility is that a man loves not his own will nor takes pleasure in the satisfaction of his desires;
(32) rather he shall imitate by his actions that saying of the Lord, "I have come not to do my own will, but the will of Him who sent me," (John 6:38).
(33) Similarly we read, "Consent merits punishment; constraint wins a crown."


2009年5月30日 星期六

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 7. Humility

(23) As for the desires of the body, we must believe that God is always with us, for, "All my desires are known to you," (Ps 37[38]:10), as the Prophet tells the Lord.
(24) We must then be on guard against any base desire, because death is stationed near the gateway of pleasure.
(25) For this reason Scripture warns us, "Pursue not your lusts," (Sir 18:30).

(26) Accordingly, if, "the eyes of the Lord are watching the good and the wicked," (Prov 15:3),
(27) "on the sons of men to see whether any understand and seek God," (Ps 13[14]:2);
(28) and if every day the angels assigned to us report our deeds to the Lord day and night,
(29) then, brothers, we must be vigilant every hour or, as the Prophet says in the psalm, God may observe us, "falling," at some time into evil and, "so made worthless," (Ps 13[14]:3).
(30) After sparing us for a while because He is a loving father who waits for us to improve, He may tell us later, "This you did, and I said nothing," (Ps 49[50]:21).


2009年5月29日 星期五

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 7. Humility

(19) Truly, we are forbidden to do our own will, for Scripture tells us: "Turn away form your desires," (Sir 18:30).
(20) And in the Prayer too we ask God that His, "will be done," in us (Matt 6:10).
(21) We are rightly taught not to do our own will, since we dread what Scripture says: "There are ways which men call right that in the end plunge into the depths of hell," (Prov 16:25).
(22) Moreover, we fear what is said of those who ignore this: "They are corrupt and have become depraved in their desires," (Ps 14[14]:1).


2009年5月28日 星期四

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 7. Humility

(14) The Prophet indicates this to us when he shows that our thoughts are always present to God, saying, "God searches hearts and minds," (Ps 7:10);
(15) again he says, "The Lord knows the thoughts of men," (Ps 93[94]:11);
(16) likewise, "From afar you know my thoughts," (Ps 138[139]:3);
(17) and, "The thought of man shall give you praise," (Ps 75[76]:11).
(18) That he may take care to avoid sinful thoughts, the virtuous brother must always say to himself, "I shall be blameless in his sight," if, "I guard myself from my own wickedness," (Ps 17[18]:24).


2009年5月27日 星期三

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 7. Humility

(10) The first step of humility, then, is that a man keeps the, "fear of God," always, "before his eyes," (Ps 35[36]:2) and never forgets it.
(11) He must constantly remember everything God has commanded, keeping in mind that all who despise God will burn in hell for their sins, and all who fear God have everlasting life awaiting them.
(12) While he guards himself at every moment from sins and vices of thought or tongue, of hand or foot, of self-will or bodily desire,
(13) let him recall that he is always seen by God in heaven, that his actions everywhere are in God’s sight and are reported by angels at every hour.


2009年5月26日 星期二

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 7. Humility

(1) Brothers, divine Scripture calls to us saying: "Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled, and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted," (Luke 14:11; 18:14).
(2) In saying this, therefore, it shows us that every exaltation is a kind of pride,
(3) which the Prophet indicates he has shunned, saying, "Lord, my heart is not exalted my eyes are not lifted up and I have not walked in the ways of the great nor gone after marvels beyond me," (Ps 130[131]:1).
(4) and why? "If I had not a humble spirit, but were exalted instead, then you would treat me like a weaned child on its mother's lap," (Ps 130[131]:2).

(5) Accordingly, brothers, if we want to reach the highest summit of humility, if we desire to attain speedily the exaltation in heaven to which we climb by the humility of this present life,
(6) then by our ascending actions we must set up that ladder on which Jacob in a dream saw, "angels descending and ascending," (Gen 28:12).
(7) Without doubt, this descent and ascent can signify only that we descend by exaltation and ascend by humility.
(8) Now the ladder erected is our life on earth, and if we humble our hearts the lord will raise it to heaven.
(9) We may call our body and soul the sides of this ladder, into which our divine vocation has fitted the various steps of humility and discipline as we ascend.


2009年5月25日 星期一

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 6. Restraint Of Speech

(1) Let us follow the Prophet's counsel, "I said, I have resolved to keep watch over my ways that I may never sin with my tongue. I have put a guard on my mouth. I was silent and was humbled, and I refrained even from good words," (Ps 38[39]:2-3).
(2) Here the Prophet indicates that there are times when good words are to be left unsaid out of esteem for silence. For all the more reason, then, should evil speech be curbed so that punishment for sin may be avoided.
(3) Indeed, so important is silence that permission to speak should seldom be granted even to mature disciples, no matter how good or holy or constructive their talk,
(4) because it is written, "In a flood of words you will not avoid sin," (Prov 10:19);
(5) and elsewhere, "The tongue holds the key to life and death," (Prov 18:21).
(6) Speaking and teaching are the master's task; the disciple is to be silent and listen.

(7) Therefore, any requests to a superior should be made with all humility and respectful submission.
(8) We absolutely condemn in all places any vulgarity and gossip and talk leading to laughter, and we do not permit a disciple to engage in words of that kind.

中文請參: http://stbenedictineoblatestw.blogspot.com/2009/01/1-23-2-3-4-19-5-21-6-7.html

2009年5月24日 星期日

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 5. Obedience

(14) This very obedience, however, will be acceptable to God and agreeable to men only if compliance with what is commanded is not cringing or sluggish or half-hearted, but free from any grumbling or any reaction of unwillingness.
(15) For the obedience shown to superiors is given to God, as he himself said: "Whoever listens to you, listens to me," (Luke 10:16).
(16) Furthermore, the disciples' obedience must be given gladly, for, "God loves a cheerful giver," (2 Cor 9:7).
(17) If a disciple obeys grudgingly and grumbles, not only aloud but also in his heart,
(18) then, even though he carries out the order, his action will not be accepted with favor by God, who sees that he is grumbling in his heart.
(19) He will have no reward for service of this kind; on the contrary, he will incur punishment for grumbling, unless he changes for the better and makes amends.


2009年5月23日 星期六

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 5. Obedience

(1) The first step of humility is unhesitating obedience,
(2) which comes naturally to those who cherish Christ above all.
(3) Because of the holy service they have professed, or because of dread of hell and for the glory of everlasting life,
(4) they carry out the superior's order as promptly as if the command came from God himself.
(5) The Lord says of men like this: "No sooner did he hear than he obeyed me," (Ps 17[18]: 45);
(6) again, he tells teachers, "Whoever listens to you, listens to me," (Luke 10:16).
(7) Such people as these immediately put aside their own concerns, abandon their own will,
(8) and lay down whatever they have in hand leaving it unfinished. With the ready step of obedience, they follow the voice of authority in their actions.
(9) Almost at the same moment, then, as the master gives the instruction the disciple quickly puts it into practice in the fear of God; and both actions together are swiftly completed as one.

(10) It is love that impels them to pursue everlasting life;
(11) therefore, they are eager to take the narrow road of which the Lord says, "Narrow is the road that leads to life," (Matt 7:14).
(12) They no longer live by their own judgment, giving in to their whims and appetites; rather they walk according to an other's decisions and directions, choosing to live in monasteries and to have an abbot over them.
(13) Men of this resolve unquestionably conform to the saying of the Lord: "I have come not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me," (John 6:38).


2009年5月22日 星期五

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 4. The Tools For Good Works

(62) Do not aspire to be called holy before you really are, but first be holy that you may more truly be called so.
(63) Live by God's commandments every day;
(64) treasure chastity,
(65) harbor neither hatred
(66) nor jealousy for anyone,
(67) and do nothing out of envy.
(68) Do not love quarreling;
(69) shun arrogance.
(70) Respect the elders
(71) and love the young.
(72) Pray for your enemies out of love for Christ.
(73) If you have a dispute with someone, make peace with him before the sun goes down.

(74) And finally, never lose hope in God's mercy.

(75) These, then, are the tools of the spiritual craft.
(76) When we have used them without ceasing day and night and have returned them on judgment day, our wages will be the reward the Lord has promised:
(77) "What the eye has not seen nor the ear heard, God has prepared for those who love him," (1 Cor 2:9).

(78) The workshop where we are to toil faithfully at all these tasks is the enclosure of the monastery and stability in the community.


2009年5月21日 星期四

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 4. The Tools For Good Works

(44) Live in fear of judgment day
(45) and have a great horror of hell.
(46) Yearn for everlasting life with holy desire.
(47) Day by day remind yourself that you are going to die.
(48) Hour by hour keep careful watch over all you do,
(49) aware that God's gaze is upon you, wherever you may be.
(50) As soon as wrongful thoughts come into your heart, dash them against Christ
(51) and disclose them to your spiritual father.
(52) Guard your lips from harmful or deceptive speech
(53) and speak no foolish chatter, nothing just to provoke laughter;
(54) do not love immoderate or boisterous laughter.

(55) Listen readily to holy reading,
(56) and devote yourself often to prayer.
(57) Every day with tears and sighs confess your past sins to God in prayer
(58) and change from these evil ways in the future.
(59) "Do not gratify the promptings of the flesh," (Gal 5:16);
(60) hate the urgings of self-will.
(61) Obey the orders of the abbot unreservedly, even if his own conduct — which God forbid — be at odds with what he says. Remember the teaching of the Lord: Do, "what they say, not what they do," (Matt 23:3).


2009年5月20日 星期三

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 4. The Tools For Good Works

(20) Your way of acting should be different from the world's way;
(21) the love of Christ must come before all else.
(22) You are not to act in anger
(23) or nurse a grudge.
(24) Rid your heart of all deceit.
(25) Never give a hollow greeting of peace
(26) or turn away when someone needs your love.
(27) Bind yourself to no oath lest it prove false,
(28) but speak the truth with heart and tongue.

(29) "Do not repay one bad turn with another," (1 Thess 5:15; 1 Pet 3:9).
(30) Do not injure anyone, but bear injuries patiently.
(31) "Love your enemies," (Matt 5:44; Luke 6:27).
(32) If people curse you, do not curse them back but bless them instead.
(33) "Endure persecution for the sake of justice," (Matt 5:10).

(34) You must, "not be proud,
(35) nor be given to wine," (Titus 1:7; 1 Tim 3:3).
(36) Refrain from too much eating
(37) or sleeping,
(38) and, "from laziness," (Rom 12:11).
(39) Do not grumble
(40) or speak ill of others.
(41) Place your hope in God alone.
(42) If you notice something good in yourself, give credit to God, not to yourself,
(43) but be certain that the evil you commit is always your own and yours to acknowledge.


2009年5月19日 星期二

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 4. The Tools For Good Works

(1) First of all, "love the Lord God with your whole heart, your whole soul and all your strength,"
(2) and, "love your neighbor as yourself." (Matt 22:37-39; Mark 12:30-31; Luke 10:27).
(3) Then the following: "You are not to kill,
(4) not to commit adultery;
(5) you are not to steal
(6) nor to covet," (Rom 13:9);
(7) "you are not to bear false witness," (Matt 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20).
(8) "You must honor everyone," (1 Pet 2:17),
(9) and, "never do to another what you do not want done to yourself," (Tob 4:16; Matt 7:12; Luke 6:31).

(10) "Renounce yourself in order to follow Christ," (Matt 16:24; Luke 9:23);
(11) "discipline your body," (1 Cor 9:27);
(12) do not pamper yourself,
(13) but love fasting.
(14) You must relieve the lot of the poor,
(15) "clothe the naked,
(16) visit the sick," (Matt 25:36),
(17) and bury the dead.
(18) Go to help the troubled 19and console the sorrowing.


2009年5月18日 星期一

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 3. Summoning The Brothers For Counsel

(7) Accordingly in every instance, all are to follow the teaching of the rule, and no one shall rashly deviate from it.
(8) In the monastery no one is to follow his own heart's desire,
(9) nor shall anyone presume to contend with his abbot defiantly, or outside the monastery.
(10) Should anyone presume to do so, let him be subjected to the discipline of the rule.
(11) Moreover, the abbot himself must fear God and keep the rule in everything he does; he can be sure beyond any doubt that he will have to give an account of all his judgments to God, the most just of judges.

(12) If less important business of the monastery is to be transacted, he shall take counsel with the seniors only,
(13) as it is written: "Do everything with counsel and you will not be sorry afterward," (Sir 32:24).


2009年5月17日 星期日

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 3. Summoning The Brothers For Counsel

(1) As often as anything important is to be done in the monastery, the abbot shall call the whole community together and himself explain what the business is;
(2) and after hearing the advice of the brothers, let him ponder it and follow what he judges the wiser course.
(3) The reason why we have said all should be called for counsel is that the Lord often reveals what is better to the younger.
(4) The brothers, for their part, are to express their opinions with all humility, and not presume to defend their own views obstinately.
(5) The decision is rather the abbot's to make, so that when he has determined what is more prudent, all may obey.
(6) Nevertheless, just as it is proper for disciples to obey their master, so it is becoming for the master on his part to settle everything with foresight and fairness.


2009年5月16日 星期六

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 2. Qualities Of The Abbot

(33) Above all, he must not show too great concern for the fleeting and temporal things of this world, neglecting or treating lightly the welfare of those entrusted to him.
(34) Rather, he should keep in mind that he has undertaken the care of souls for whom he must give an account.
(35) That he may not plead lack of resources as an excuse, he is to remember what is written, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His justice, and all these things will be given you as well," (Matt 6:33),
(36) and again, "Those who fear Him lack nothing," (Ps 33[34]:10).

(37) The abbot must know that anyone undertaking the charge of souls must be ready to account for them.
(38) Whatever the number of brothers he has in his care, let him realize that on judgment day he will surely have to submit a reckoning to the Lord for all their souls — and indeed for his own as well.
(39) In this way, while always fearful of the future examination of the shepherd about the sheep entrusted to him and careful about the state of others' accounts, he becomes concerned also about his own,
(40) and while helping others to amend by his warnings, he achieves the amendment of his own faults.


2009年5月15日 星期五

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 2. Qualities Of The Abbot

(30) The abbot must always remember what he is and remember what he is called, aware that more will be expected of a man to whom more has been entrusted.
(31) He must know what a difficult and demanding burden he has undertaken: directing souls and serving a variety of temperaments, coaxing, reproving and encouraging them as appropriate.
(32) He must so accommodate and adapt himself to each one's character and intelligence that he will not only keep the flock entrusted to his care from dwindling, but will rejoice in the increase of a good flock.


2009年5月14日 星期四

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 2. Qualities Of The Abbot

(23) In his teaching, the abbot should always observe the Apostle's recommendation, in which he says, "Use argument, appeal, reproof," (2 Tim 4:2).
(24) This means that he must vary with circumstances, threatening and coaxing by turns, stern as a taskmaster, devoted and tender as only a father can be.
(25) With the undisciplined and restless, he will use a firm argument; with the obedient and docile and patient, he will appeal for greater virtue; but as for the negligent and disdainful, we charge him to use reproof and rebuke.
(26) He should not gloss over the sins of those who err, but cut them out while he can, as soon as they begin to sprout, remembering the fate of Eli, priest of Shiloh (1 Sam 2:11- 4:18).
(27) For upright and perceptive men, his first and second warnings should be verbal;
(28) but those who are evil or stubborn, arrogant or disobedient, he can curb only by blows or some other physical punishment at the first offense. It is written, "The fool cannot be corrected with words," (Prov 29:19);
(29) and again, "Strike your son with a rod and you will free his soul from death," (Prov 23:14).


2009年5月13日 星期三

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 2. Qualities Of The Abbot

(16) The abbot should avoid all favoritism in the monastery.
(17) He is not to love one more than another unless he finds someone better in good actions and obedience.
(18) A man born free is not be given higher rank than a slave who becomes a monk, except for some other good reason.
(19) But the abbot is free, if he sees fit, to change anyone's rank as justice demandsi. Ordinarily, everyone is to keep to his regular place,
(20) because, "whether slave or free, we are all one in Christ," (Gal 3:28; Eph 6:8) and share alike in bearing arms in the service of the one Lord, for, "God shows no partiality among persons," (Rom 2:11).
(21) Only in this are we distinguished in his sight: if we are found better than others in good works and in humility.
(22) Therefore, the abbot is to show equal love to everyone and apply the same discipline to all according to their merits.


2009年5月12日 星期二

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 2. Qualities Of The Abbot

(11) Furthermore, anyone who receives the name of abbot is to lead his disciples by a twofold teaching:
(12) he must point out to them all that is good and holy more by example than by word, proposing the commandments of the Lord to receptive disciples with words, but demonstrating God's instructions to the stubborn and the dull by a living example.
(13) Again, if he teaches his disciples that something is not to be done, then neither must he do it, "lest after preaching to others, he himself be found reprobate," (1 Cor 9:27)
(14) and God some day call to him in his sin, "How is it that you repeat my just commands and mouth my covenant when you hate discipline and toss my words behind you?" (Ps 49[50]:16-17)
(15) And also this: "How is it that you can see a splinter in your brother's eye, and never notice the plank in your own?" (Matt 7:3)


2009年5月11日 星期一

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 2. Qualities Of The Abbot

(6) Let the abbot always remember that at the fearful judgement of God, not only his teaching but also his disciple’s obedience will come under scrutiny.
(7) The abbot must, therefore, be aware that the shepherd will bear the blame wherever the father of the household finds that the sheep have yielded no profit.
(8) Still, if he has faithfully shepherded a restive and disobedient flock, always striving to cure their unhealthy ways, it will be otherwise:
(9) the shepherd will be acquitted at the Lord's judgement. Then, like the Prophet, he may say to the Lord: "I have not hidden your justice in my heart; I have proclaimed your truth and your salvation," (Ps 39[40]:11), "but they spurned and rejected me," (Isa 1:2; Ezek 20:27).
(10) Then at last the sheep that have rebelled against his care will be punished by the overwhelming power of death.


2009年5月10日 星期日

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 2. Qualities Of The Abbot

(1) To be worthy of the task of governing a monastery, the abbot must always remember what his title signifies and act as a superior should.
(2) He is believed to hold the place of Christ in the monastery, since he is addressed by a title of Christ,
(3) as the Apostle indicates, "You have received the sprit of adoption of sons by which we exclaim, abba, father," (Rom 8:15).
(4) Therefore, the abbot must never teach or decree or command anything that would deviate from the Lord's instructions.
(5) On the contrary, everything he teaches and commands should, like the leaven of divine justice, permeate the minds of his disciples.


2009年5月9日 星期六

The Rule of St. Benedict - Chapter 1. The Kinds Of Monks

(1) There are clearly four kinds of monks.
(2) First, there are the cenobites, that is to say, those who belong to a monastery, where they serve under a rule and an abbot.

(3) Second, there are the anchorites or hermits, who have come through the test of living in a monastery for a long time, and have passed beyond the first fervor of monastic life.
(4) Thanks to the help and guidance of many, they are now trained to fight against the devil.
(5) They have built up their strength and go from the battle line in the ranks of their brothers to the single combat of the desert. Self-reliant now, without the support of another, they are ready with God’s help to grapple single-handed with the vices of body and mind.

(6) Third, there are the sarabites, the most detestable kind of monks, who with no experience to guide them, no rule to try them, "as gold is tried in a furnace," (Prov 27:21), have a character as soft as lead.
(7) Still loyal to the world by their actions, they clearly lie to God by their tonsure.
(8) Two or three together, or even alone, without a shepherd, they pen themselves up in their own sheepfolds, not the Lordss. Their law is what they like to do, whatever strikes their fancy.
(9) Anything they believe in and chose, they call holy; anything they dislike, they consider forbidden.

(10) Fourth and finally, there are the monks called gyrovagues, who spend their entire lives drifting from region to region, staying as guests for three or four days in different monasteries.
(11) Always on the move, they never settle down, and are slaves to their own wills and gross appetites. In every way they are worse than sarabites.

(12) It is better to keep silent than to speak of all these and their disgraceful way of life.
(13) Let us pass them by, then and with the help of the Lord, proceed to draw up a plan for the strong kind, the cenobites.


2009年5月8日 星期五

The Rule of Saint Benedict - Prologue

(45) Therefore we intend to establish a school for the Lord’s service.
(46) In drawing up its regulations, we hope to set down nothing harsh, nothing burdensome.
(47) The good of all concerned, however, may prompt us to a little strictness in order to amend faults and to safeguard love.
(48) Do not be daunted immediately by fear and run away from the road that leads to salvation. It is bound to be narrow at the outset.
(49) But as we progress in this way of life and in faith, we shall run on the path of God's commandments, our hearts overflowing with the inexpressible delight of love.
(50) Never swerving from his instructions, then, but faithfully observing His teaching in the monastery until death, we shall, through patience, share in the sufferings of Christ that we may deserve also to share in His kingdom. Amen.


2009年5月7日 星期四

The Rule of Saint Benedict - Prologue

(39) Brothers, now that we have asked the Lord who will dwell in his tent, we have heard the instruction for dwelling in it but only if we fulfill the obligations of those who live there.
(40) We must, then, prepare our hearts and bodies for the battle of holy obedience to His instructions.
(41) What is not possible to us by nature, let us ask the Lord to supply by the help of His grace.
(42) If we wish to reach eternal life, even as we avoid the torments of hell,
(43) then — while there is still time, while we are in this body and have time to accomplish all these things by the light of life —
(44) we must run and do now what will profit us forever.


2009年5月6日 星期三

The Rule of Saint Benedict - Prologue

(35) With this conclusion, the Lord waits for us daily to translate into action, as we should, His holy teachings.
(36) Therefore our life span has been lengthened by way of a truce, that we may amend our misdeeds.
(37) As the Apostle says, "Do you not know that the patience of God is leading you to repent?" (Rom 2:4).
(38) And indeed the Lord assures us in His love; "I do not wish the death of the sinner, but that he turn back to me and live." (Ezek 33:11).


2009年5月5日 星期二

The Rule of Saint Benedict - Prologue

(22) If we wish to dwell in the tent of this kingdom, we will never arrive unless we run there by doing good deeds.
(23) But let us ask the Lord with the Prophet, "Who will dwell in your tent, Lord; who will find rest upon your holy mountain?" (Ps 14[15]:1)
(24) After this question, brothers, let us listen well to what the Lord says in reply, for he shows us the way to his tent.
(25) "One who walks without blemish," he says, "and is just in all his dealings;
(26) who speaks the truth from his heart and has not practiced deceit with his tongue;
(27) who has not wronged a fellowman in any way, nor listened to slanders against his neighbor." (Ps 14[15]:2-3).
(28) He has foiled the evil one, the devil, at every turn, flinging both him and his promptings far from the sight of his heart. While these temptations were still, "young, he caught hold of them and dashed them against Christ," (Ps 14[15]:4; 136[137]:9).
(29) These people fear the Lord, and do not become elated over their good deeds; they judge it is the Lord's power, not their own, that brings about the good in them.
(30) "They praise," (Ps 14[15]:4) the Lord working in them, and say with the Prophet, "Not to us, Lord, not to us give the glory, but to your name alone," (Ps 113[115]:9).
(31) In just this way Paul the Apostle refused to take credit for the power of his preaching. He declared , "By God's grace I am what I am." (1 Cor 15:10).
(32) And again he said, "He who boasts should make his boast in the Lord." (2 Cor 10: 17)
(33) That is why the Lord says in the Gospel: "Whoever hears these words of mine and does them is like a wise man who built his house upon rock;
(34) the floods came and the winds blew and beat against the house, but It did not fall: it was founded on rock." (Matt 7:24-25)


2009年5月4日 星期一

The Rule of Saint Benedict - Prologue

(14) Seeking his workman in a multitude of people, the Lord calls out to him and lifts his voice again,
(15) "Is there anyone here who yearns for life and desires to see good days?" (Ps 33[34]:13).
(16) If you hear this and your answer is "I do," God then directs these words to you:
(17) If you desire true and eternal life, "keep your tongue free from vicious talk and your lips from all deceit; turn away from evil and do good; let peace be your quest and aim," (Ps 33[34]:14-15).
(18) Once you have done this, my "eyes will be upon you and my ears will listen for your prayers; and even before you ask me, I will say to you: Here I am." (Isa 58:9).
(19) What, dear brothers, is more delightful than this voice of the Lord calling to us?
(20) See how the Lord in His love shows us the way of life.
(21) Clothed then with faith and the performance of good works, let us set out on this way, with the Gospel for our guide, that we may deserve to see him, "who has called us to his kingdom." (1 Thess 2:12).


2009年5月3日 星期日

The Rule of Saint Benedict - Prologue

(8) Let us get up then, at long last for the Scriptures rouse us when they say, "It is high time for us to arise from sleep," (Rom 13:11).
(9) Let us open our eyes to the light that comes form God, and our ears to the voice from heaven that every day calls out this charge,
(10)"If you hear His voice today, do not harden your hearts," (Ps 94 [95]:8).
(11) And again, "You that have ears to hear, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches," (Rev 2:7).
(12) And what does he say? "Come and listen to me, sons; I will teach you the fear of the Lord," (Ps 33[34]:12).
(13) "Run while you have the light of life, that the darkness of death may not overtake you." (John 12:35).


2009年5月2日 星期六

The Rule of Saint Benedict - Prologue

(1) Listen carefully, my son, to the master's instructions, and attend to them with the ear of your heart. This is advice from a father who loves you; welcome it, and faithfully put it into practice.
(2) The labor of obedience will bring you back to Him from whom you had drifted through the sloth of disobedience.
(3) This message of mine is for you, then, if you are ready to give up your own will, once and for all, and armed with the strong and noble weapons of obedience to do battle for the true King, Christ the Lord.

(4) First of all, every time you begin a good work, you must pray to Him most earnestly to bring it to perfection.
(5) In His goodness, He has already counted us as his sons, and therefore we should never grieve him by our evil actions.
(6) With His good gifts which are in us, we must obey Him at all times that He may never become the angry father who disinherits his sons,
(7) nor the dread lord, enraged by our sins, who punishes us forever as worthless servants for refusing to follow him to glory.


2009年5月1日 星期五

聖本篤會規 第七十三章 這部會規只是初學者的入門法規


(1) 我們寫這部會規,為使我們在修院內,因著遵守它,能表現我們已修得了一些善行,並奠定了修道生活的基礎。
(2) 但是,那些在修道生活中,急於修全德的人,有聖祖們的教訓,遵守這些教訓,即可引導他們到達全德的高峰。
(3) 因為天主默啟的新舊約聖經,其中那一頁,那一句,不是人生中不能錯的準則呢?
(4) 或者,那一本公教教父的著作,不都是大聲宣示,為趨赴我們的造物主,所應循的正道呢?
(5) 聖祖們的「講道集」、「制度」和「傳記」,及我們的父親巴西略的會規,
(6) 對那些生活正直而服從的會士,那一樣不是修德的工具?
(7) 但是,對我們這般懶散、生活邪惡而又疏忽的人,卻成了羞愧和迷惘的根源。
(8) 你不是極願到達天上的家鄉嗎?那麼,就該依靠基督的助佑,來實踐這本為初學者所寫的入門法規。
(9) 然後,在天主的護佑下,你才能到達我們以上所說的超性事理和德行的頂峰。阿們。